Biting Dust Mites: What Should You Know about Dust Mites?

Many people believe they have an allergy to dust when they actually have an allergy to biting dust mites. In many areas of the world, these microscopic bugs are some of the most common allergy and asthma triggers. One of the reasons you may have trouble sleeping is due to dust mites, which are usually found in mattresses. However, dust mites do not bite, even if they can cause allergic reactions. 
Most people think that they have an allergy to dust when they actually have an allergy to biting dust mites
In this article, we examine the symptoms of dust mite allergies. In addition, it explains how to get rid of biting dust mites and prevent allergic reactions.

Are dust mites able to bite humans?

The idea of biting dust mites is simply incorrect. Unlike other mites, dust mites do not bite and feed on human blood. Their primary diet consists of dander, or dead skin flakes, which are shed by humans and animals.
Dust consists of skin particles, animal fur, and dirt that comes from outside. Moreover, dust mite feces and decomposing dust mite bodies are found in it. A protein found in the feces and dead mites is what causes the bite-like rash in humans.
These particles are small, and when the dust is disturbed, they can become airborne and be inhaled by people. As a result, allergies may occur.

Symptoms of a dust mite allergy

Perennial allergic rhinitis is caused when the body mistakenly identifies a harmless substance as an intruder. Dust mite allergies are an example.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) states that common symptoms of dust mite allergies include:
Face and back acne
Skin allergies
People may mistake these symptoms during the warmer months for seasonal allergies since these symptoms are similar to those of seasonal allergies.
However, dust mite allergies generally remain indoors, causing symptom recurrence all year long. Furthermore, dust mite allergies can trigger asthma attacks, which can be quite serious.

How to get rid of dust mites

To cause an allergic reaction to dust mites, a home does not need to be visibly dirty. Research suggests that no method can significantly reduce the number of dust mites in the home.
However, they say that some asthmatic individuals notice a change in their symptoms when they try these things:
  • Regularly vacuum your house
  • Airing rooms
  • Choosing hard floors over carpets
  • Covering your bedding with dust mite covers
  • Purifying the air with air filters and purifiers
  • Hot water can also be used to remove dust mites from clothing and linens. To achieve the best results, wash them once a week in water that is at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius).


Dust mite allergies can be eased and large numbers of biting dust mites can be prevented by regularly cleaning the home. Every month, you should have a deep cleaning performed by a professional, because they have more knowledge about biting dust mites than you do.
Although dust mites do not bite, an infestation can still cause problems. For those who experience persistent allergies or if symptoms become unbearable, it is important to see an allergist or doctor. 
Here is some information about biting dust mites and how to get rid of them. If you want to hire a cleaning service to make your home clean and fresh from those dust mites, don't hesitate to contact Ocean Cleans via +6563343309. 
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Sofa Deep Cleaning